Beacon Education brings overseas learning to China Perfect World Co. Ltd.

Beacon is expanding professional development opportunities across our corporate partnership network, improving management and technical skills for executives and their employees through online education.

Beacon Education
4 min readMar 6, 2020

Corporate Needs

From the start of Beacon’s long-term cooperation with Perfect World Co., Beacon has provided employees there a large number of high-quality international programs, including Master of Computer Science, Master of Artificial Intelligence degrees, and even MBA, for a range of employees to improve their technical skills, management level, and operational skills.

The key to supporting our partners, identifying recruits, and nurturing applicants is high quality, on-ground information sessions which we optimized based on specific company feedback. These information sessions are structured to be informative, engaging, and powerful as demonstrations of our unique degree programs and what they can offer the various constituencies across an organization.

Information Session Review

Beacon sends internationally-experienced representatives to talk to recruits at our corporate campuses about international education, career planning, and professional growth. Zhong Chenchen, Beacon’s Director of Strategic Cooperation based in Beijing, has spent he career in global education and career planning. She has worked in International Exchange Service Center of Education Department of Jiangsu province and New Oriental Education before joining Beacon to transform corporate professional development with our tech and services platform.

The information sessions often begin helping recruits work through the dilemma of applying and studying while employee. Working professionals are often constrained by time, space, cost, and most critically, opportunity cost. When applying to high-quality programs, they often face tremendous difficulty when focusing on admission requirements that can take months or even years to schedule and prepare for: the national postgraduate examination, TOEFL, IELTS, and GRE are not practical for these full-time employees and are disincentives to even attempting to pursue graduate study.

Compared with taking the domestic postgraduate entrance examination, international online education is often the best choice for professionals and their companies. Perfect World, whose institutional knowledge and project base and skillset are constantly updating and iterating, they need talent to bring back cutting-edge technologies, management skills, and ideas from overseas so as to gain sufficient competitive advantages.

From an individual perspective, an online master’s degree from an overseas university enables the employee to systematically improve their knowledge base and befriend with leaders in the field in their cohorts which is very helpful for individuals to eliminate anxiety about technological iteration and seek broader career prospects. It can also benefit those individuals planning overseas travel, immigration, or even the minutia of their children studying abroad.

A technical master’s subject, such as Master of Computer Science or Master of Artificial Intelligence, can help professionals create a more thorough understanding of the latest technology development trends and apply the latest technology and their functions to actual product design and operation. For Perfect Wold, whose artificial intelligence algorithm-based applications have huge prospects in game design, this is fundamental to improving their R&D and at their size and scale, they have lots of money to invest in the space.

MBA programs similarly have the potential to broaden careers for both employees and managers. Being an employee in a professional field does not mean someone simply must focus on technology. They also should understand market needs , what functions consumers pay for, how much money is invested in the product, and what the company’s overall strategy is to ensure that your product fits the company’s positioning. MBA courses in finance, marketing, HR, and business strategy can help employees understand the total business logic.

It is a win-win situation for both the company and the individual employee when people choose either a science or management program.

Student Feedback

After information sessions, many students came to request information and support in application, hoping to sign up for the online degree programs. Beacon helps students navigate this entire process.

Most importantly, after enrolling, students have given very positive feedback. Among them, the students are not only very active in the learning group, but also often answer questions he finds on Zhihu (a Chinese platform similar to Quora) and highly recommends the degree they are taking. Similar public comments and testimonials across other social media sites in China are helping new students get excited about, and register for, their online degrees.

Beacon Education is aggressively growing our corporate partnership network and is excited to work with China’s top companies to identify high-talent students, target programs that work for their professional goals, and provide consistency in career trajectory and professional growth opportunities as China continues to advance.

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Beacon Education

China’s largest provider of online degree programs, partnered with the world’s leading educational programs.